Friday, June 15, 2007

Frustration :(

Didn't want anything to do with what is happening today here in Gaza, so, i woke up, prepared breakfast for me and my son "Raed", and refused to hear anything about the on-going fights, ENOUGH, i thought, i'm exhausting myself with all this devastating news and events, and i'm not gonna tolerate it anymore!!! so i closed the windows, "no sun shine today" i thought, turned off the TV and grabbed my tape recorder and started listening to my dearest old pal, "Fairouz"...
why not have a normal life, is that too much to ask for? but NO, my husband refused but to tell me all about the latest events, the hottest clashes, and the most recent casualties..., i had this blank look at my face , i uttered some words and rushed to the kitchen where i cried like a baby..."raed" followed me and looked up at me with his big innocent blue eyes and said "mama, are you angry with me, i'm sorry mama.." and hugged me... i really needed that hug..everything have turned so cold so quickly, even if we are in the month of june, everything have turned gray, the sky, the roads, even the people.
I tried to keep a smile drawn at my face all the day long, i tried to convince myself that things will turn out to the best, I tried to cope with the bitter fact, until it was dawn, when a Fatah activist was killed, dunno how, dunno why, but the horrifying thing is that he was tied from his legs , after being killed, and dragged through the streets of the camp!! they were shouting through microphones celebrating his death, that is when i hit my rock bottom...How can anyone kill anybody with cold blood and then drag his corpse through the streets?! have we reached THAT limit? haven't we got any mercy in our hearts towards each others? i really don't know what to say.. i'm speechless :(


Anonymous said...

I have no words to respond to what you are going through. I'm so sorry.
* hug *

Anonymous said...

as an Israeli I feel bad for you, But yet don't know what is it that you Palestinians want. While we wanted peace and to get over with this war after leaving Gaza you chose Hammas and it's terror to lead you. Now see what happens. Both side will suffer more because of your ignorant way of life, stop looking for enemies and stop fighting.

Anonymous said...

My Sister,

I pray for you and all the other Palestinians. I pray for all the women, children, alders etc.
I pray for all the little citizens, for everyone who is heart by this impossible madness.
I am Israeli, 28 years old, as you. Today one of the largest newspapers published posts from 4 blogs of young Palestinians women. Your post was one of them.
I am a gender studies master’s student, so your voices are extremely important for me. It made me a little happy to see that your voices are important enough for the newspaper also. I hope it will make you a little bit happy or proud.
I want you to know that you matter to me- you, your family, friends, and nation. We are all just people who want to live a good life. I hope one day we will get to do that- live a good peaceful life, together or even just next to each other. In the mean time I hope this mayhem will finish soon! I hope you’ll get a little bit peace and quiet soon.

Peace & Love

Anonymous said...

hello to you
i'm Israeli 69 year old i born in israel in the Galil. we have excellent relation with our Arab neighbor so i know we can live together peacefully.
i hope your problem will over and some how we can find way to do so
i am really sorry for your hard time

Anonymous said...

I cannot agree with commentor #2 "anonymous". When we have bad or poor leadership, we people get drug into horrible conflicts. It is hard or impossible to get the truth from many of the world's leaders. My daughter is an Israeli and would agree with you 100% that we need calm, peace, and to work out issues and problems together, not as enemies.
It seems that some of the people in Gaza have gone mad with hatred and fury--that can happen anywhere with a group of people who no longer thinks in complexities and develops a mob mentality. It has happened in the US and can happen anywhere. It is always terrible when it does, because it degrades all of us. It is not political or justified when it occurs; it is simply horrible, inhumane madness.
First and foremost, you must keep safe. Your blog is important because it is an honest and sincere voice. No one could read your words without feeling compassion and kinship with you. Lynne from the US

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